Real Device Cloud

TestFairy is part of Sauce Labs, the leading digital quality provider, helping developers Improve app quality with instant access to 8,000+ Android and iOS mobile devices.
TestFairy allows mobile teams to deploy their apps directly from TestFairy to Sauce Labs Real Device Cloud.

Real Device Cloud

Comprehensive mobile testing coverage

Comprehensive mobile testing coverage

Sauce Labs offers both a public and private Real Device Cloud for customers looking to expedite automated and live testing for their mobile apps without compromising quality. We make new devices and operating systems available upon their release, ensuring your tests keep up with constantly-evolving mobile platforms.

Increase device coverage

Test your native and hybrid mobile apps across a wide range of real devices including iPhone, iPad, Samsung Galaxy, Nexus, and more.

Reduce operational burden

Eliminate the need to maintain an internal device lab and reduce operational costs. No more scrambling for newer and older devices.

Accelerate test execution

Run high volumes of real device tests with low error rates and continuous availability. Easily integrate into your existing CI/CD pipeline.

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