DroidCon Paris was absolutely great!

Have you heard about DroidCon? Well, if you didn’t and you are into Android, then you should! We have just came back from DroidCon Paris and the event was absolutely great! The lectures were very interesting (well, the ones that were in English…) and the atmosphere was fantastic. The event was well organized and we are seriously thinking about presenting TestFairy in Droidcon London in October. More updates about that will be here soon.
Being on stage was great, the audience was extremely supportive and apparently they loved TestFairy.
Here is a 3 minute pitch we had in BootCamp, unfortunately the 45 minute session that followed it was not recorded

Followed this presentation I was interviewed by the great guys from FrAndroid. There are some serious camera issues here, but at least the audio is clear 🙂

And as always, When there are geeks around, Gil Megidish (aka TestFairy CTO, and official Ninja) will always find great friends 🙂
Gil Megidish DroidCon 2013